Members Ex Officio
Max Page, MTA President
Deb McCarthy, MTA Vice President
The MTA Education Support Professionals (ESP) Committee plans regional trainings, including the MTA ESP Conference and workshops at the MTA Summer Conference, and provides input and recommendations on ESP-related matters to other committees and the MTA Board of Directors. The committee also sets the criteria and recommends candidates to the MTA Board of Directors for the ESP of the Year award.
Chair: Joni Cederholm, Weymouth Educators Association
Holly Currier, Andover Education Association
Karen Torres, MTA ESP of the Year, Andover Education Association
Tina Mansfield, Educational Association of Worcester
Amy Morin, Lexington Education Association
Mike Perry, Greater New Bedford Educators Union
Jariza Rodriguez, Classified Staff Union, UMass Boston
Staff Consultant Sonia Fortin
Staff Assistant: Christine Pinet-Buco
Find out more about MTA programs and initiatives for Education Support Professionals.
Max Page, MTA President
Deb McCarthy, MTA Vice President